Don't Let a Lack of Financial Acknowledge Prevent You From Living Your Best Life.
Don't Let a Lack of Financial Acknowledge Prevent You From Living Your Best Life.
Reentry is hard. Over 67% of all prisoners released will be rearrested with in the first three years of their release. Help former prisoners transition back into society. We help provide former prisoners with the resources, ministry, and counseling needed to help with the transition.
TFA Prison Ministry is here to help as the release day approaches. The problem awaiting prisoners on the other side of the gate can be overwhelming. For years, they have been told, what to wear, when to eat and where they can go every moment of their day. Now all of a sudden, the day comes when they will have to make decisions on their own.
TFA Prison Ministry staff and volunteers are devoted to helping prepare men and women to leave prison with a positive outlook and be ready and prepared to succeed. We offer mentorships, marriage and parenting classes, life-skills training, and additional programs that will be teaching about personal responsibility, the value of education and hard work, and care for people and their property, so that prisoners re prepared to thrive in their communities after release.
We will be offering faith dorms, where men and women can participate in biblically-based training within a nurturing Christian community.
Mental Health
Employment Services
Clothing and Food Programs
Healthcare Services
Community Supervision: Probation and Parole
Mentoring and Community Partnerships
Substance Use Treatment
Victim Engagement
Family Engagement
Spiritual Counseling
Youth and Young Adults
Correctional Education
Risk and Need Ethics Program
© 2021 The Financial Act, All Rights Reserved |
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
We do not lend money. Not a loan company.